Shukla, A., Roy, S., Chawla, Y., et al. 2022. [Re] From goals, waypoints and paths to longterm human trajectory forecasting. ReScience C 8, 2, #37.

Article (PDF):
Title: [Re] From goals, waypoints and paths to longterm human trajectory forecasting
Author(s): Shukla, Abhishek and Roy, Sourya and Chawla, Yogesh and Amalanshu, Avi and Pandey, Shubhendu and Agrawal, Rudransh and Uppal, Aditya and N, Viswesh and Mondal, Pradipto and Dasgupta, Anubhab and Chakravarty, Debashis
Journal: ReScience C
Year: 2022
Month: may
Volume: 8
Issue: 2
Number: #37
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6574699
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Cite as: Shukla, A., Roy, S., Chawla, Y., et al. 2022. [Re] From goals, waypoints and paths to longterm human trajectory forecasting. ReScience C 8, 2, #37.