Hinsen, K. 2020. [Rp] Structural flexibility in proteins - impact of the crystal environment. ReScience C 6, 1, #5.

Article (PDF): https://zenodo.org/record/3886447/files/article.pdf
Title: [Rp] Structural flexibility in proteins - impact of the crystal environment
Author(s): Hinsen, Konrad
Journal: ReScience C
Year: 2020
Month: jun
Volume: 6
Issue: 1
Number: #5
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3886447
Code URL: https://github.com/khinsen/rescience-ten-year-challenge-paper-3
Code DOI: -
Data URL: -
Data DOI: -
Review URL: https://github.com/ReScience/submissions/issues/14
Cite as: Hinsen, K. 2020. [Rp] Structural flexibility in proteins - impact of the crystal environment. ReScience C 6, 1, #5.